Sunday, 31 July 2016

Pendaftaran Tingkatan 1 Sesi 2017


                            4 PAKEJ PENDAFTAR TERAWAL 

        # Percuma sebulan yuran persekolahan
        # Deposit Yuran pendaftaran serendah RM50 Saja.Baki yuran pendaftaran akan dibayar sepenuhnya pada bulan November atau December 2016.

      # Percuma sehelai baju Kokum
      # Deposit Yuran pendaftaran serendah RM50 Saja.Baki yuran pendaftaran akan dibayar sepenuhnya pada bulan November atau December 2016.

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      # Mendapat saguhati dari sekolah
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BIASISWA PELAJAR CEMERLANG akan diberi kepada Pelajar yang mendapat keputusan cemerlang dalam UPSR.

                     #  6 A ( RM 1200)
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                     #  4 A ( RM 800)


Sebarang Pertanyaan sila hubungi Pejabat sekolah di 088-661244  atau terus datang ke pejabat sekolah.

                                                           TERIMA KASIH


Thursday, 28 July 2016

“English Week Memperkasakan Lagi Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris Di SMAG ".

Sempena dengan Program English Week di SMAG, beberapa acara telah dipertandingkan oleh Kelab Bahasa Inggeris seperti Storytelling, Spelling Bee dan Essay writing.Tujuan utama pertandingan ini dijalankan ialah untuk memupuk pelajar mencintai Bahasa inggeris dan meningkatkan lagi penguasaan berbahasa Inggeris.

Acara Penutupan English Week di SMAG telah diadakan pada 28 Julai 2016, di mana setiap kelas akan membuat persembahan  seperti persembahan nyanyian dan pertunjukkan puppet oleh kelas Tingkatan 5 . Kesemua kelas ini telah mengambil bahagian dengan persembahan yang sangat menarik dengan kreativiti yang tersendiri.

Lebih menarik tumpuan  lagi apabila pelajar GASS yang bernama Cherllyen Cory Nimrod   telah mempersembahkan sebuah lagu yang bertajuk Proud Of You telah membuatkan pelajar dan guru-guru menitiskan air mata kerana lagu yang telah menyentuh perasaan dan  semangat yang kuat ditunjukkan oleh pelajar tersebut. Pelajar ini menyanyi dengan penuh perasaan sehingga dia menangis semasa membuat persembahan.Dia berterima kasih kepada Tuhan kerana menjaga dan memberkati dia dengan talenta yang diberi. Pengetua  telah menghampiri pelajar tersebut untuk memberi kata-kata semangat dan pelajar juga ikut serta menyanyi dan bertepuk tangan untuk memberi semangat dan sokongan pelajar ini sehingga ia telah berjaya menghabiskan lagu itu.

Program English Week ini telah dilaksanakan dengan jayanya.Semoga penglibatan pelajar pada tahun hadapan akan meningkat.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Sekolah Menengah Advent Goshen perkasa pencapaian sekolah

Asrama Kini Berwajah Baru

          Terima kasih dan puji Tuhan yang tidak terhingga kepada semua penderma dan ibubapa pelajar kerana membantu untuk menaik taraf asrama pelajar di GASS  ini.Ini adalah demi kebaikan anak-anak kita yang tinggal di asrama ini agar dapat memberi keselesaan yang sempurna untuk mereka semua .Tanpa sumbangan dan kerjasama daripada anda semua, sekolah ini  tidak mampu untuk menyediakan kemudahan seperti ini kepada anak-anak kita di GASS .

                                     "TUHAN MEMBERKATI KITA SEMUA." 
                                            GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME

Sunday, 24 July 2016


KOTA MARUDU: Alumnai Sekolah Menengah Advent Goshen / GASS telah mengadakan informal reunion pada malam 23 Julai 2016 bertempat di Restoran Singgah Hati .Pemilik Restoran tersebut iaitu Encik Banie Gintulo juga merupakan alumnai GASS berterima kasih kerana memilih tempatnya sebagai acara tersebut.

Majlis ini dihadiri kira-kira 120 orang alumnai GASS dari tahun 1970an sehingga 2000an.Mereka yang datang dari sekitar daerah Kota Marudu,Kudat,Kota Belud,Pitas,Kota Kinabalu,Sandakan dan juga yang paling jauh adalah dari Sarawak.Pengerusi pengajur ini iaitu Tuan Jumail Sumpoli  berterima kasih kepada semua alumnai yang hadir kerana menjayakan program ini..Pada Majlis tersebut,Pr Washington Laung yang merupakan bekas guru yang paling popular dan disayangi di GASS suatu ketika dulu telah menyampaikan kata-inspirasi. Beliau telah mengingatkan kepada alumnai semua agar sentiasa "PEGANG TEGUH KEBENARAN" dan ia dilaungkan oleh semua alumnai tersebut.

Pengetua GASS iaitu Puan Sharon Laung telah memberi ucapan seterusnya merasmikan majlis ini.Dalam ucapan pengetua,beliau  menggesa kepada semua alumnai supaya terus menyokong sekolah ini agar terus berkembang maju dan mampu melahirkan insan yang berjaya.
Sememangnya tidak dinafikan bahawa sekolah ini telah menghasilkan ramai insan yang berkualiti dan berjaya seperti menjadi guru,pegawai Kerajaan,Kontraktor,Pengurus Bank,doktor,peguam dan sebagainya.

Dalam majlis tersebut, semua alumnai ini telah bersepakat mengumpul dana untuk disumbangkan kepada GASS untuk membantu sekolah yang telah berjasa kepada mereka.Bendahari reunion ini iaitu Encik Banie Gintulo telah menyerahkan cek bernilai RM 1540 kepada Pengetua GASS selepas ditolak daripada semua kos perbelanjaan .Pengetua GASS berterima kasih kepada semua alumnai atas usaha  mereka  yang bersungguh-sungguh membantu sekolah ini.

Majlis tersebut diserikan lagi dengan pelbagai acara seperti tukar hadiah,cabutan nama bertuah, acara karoke,mencari queen dan king, best dress ,dan acara bergambar.Majlis itu dihiburkan lagi oleh artis tempatan dan merupakan alumnai GASS iaitu Robbie Angkangon @ Robert Angkangon .

GASS Reunion akan diadakan lagi pada tahun 2018 yang dinamakan GASS MEGA REUNION 2018.Harapan Presiden Alumnai iaitu Encik Mujin Durin agar lebih ramai  atau semua alumnai akan hadir pada  GASS MEGA REUNION 2018 ini untuk menyokong program yang bakal dinanti nantikan oleh semua alumnai. Beliau juga mengatakan bahawa jika setiap alumnai menyumbangkan RM5 seorang dalam sebulan , ia akan memberi makna yang besar kepada sekolah kesayangan alumnai.

Mereka begitu gembira kerana dapat bertemu dengan kawan lama mereka.

Monday, 11 July 2016

E.G.White mention the importance of KBAT in school, 120 years ago.

“Train Students to Be Thinkers, Not Mere Reflectors

Thinkers do more than accept passively the thinking of others; they endeavor to master what others have said or discovered. Thinkers “contemplate the great facts of duty and destiny”; they are “masters and not slaves of circumstances [possessing] breadth of mind, clearness of thought, and the courage of their convictions.”52
How does one fulfill this lofty goal? Ellen White expressed certain principles that “thinkers” should understand:

Thinkers understand the perils of competition. Why one wants to excel is the defining question.
One of her constant themes is the call to excellence, to reach the highest level possible in whatever field of study or lifework one is engaged.53
But a core problem of prevailing educational systems is that it urges excellence for the wrong reasons and its attainment by the wrong methods. Mrs. White asked the question, “What is the trend of the education given?” Then she answered, “To self-seeking.” She described the goals of “true education” as the antithesis of “selfish ambition, the greed for power, and . . . selfish rivalry.” She observed that traditional educational methods “appeal to emulation and rivalry . . . [and] foster selfishness, the root of all evil.”54
“Strife for supremacy” encourages “the system of ‘cramming’” and often “leads to dishonesty.” By driving students to compete, “discontent . . . embitters the life” and “helps to fill the world with . . . restless, turbulent spirits.”55
What feeds this spirit of rivalry and the desire for supremacy? Ellen White pointed to the content of much literature: Students “drink . . . from the wells of paganism . . . fed by the corruptions of ancient heathendom. . . . And of how many modern authors also might the same be said!” In the sciences she saw the effects of “evolution and its kindred errors” that tend “to infidelity.” Further, she saw that the “work of ‘higher criticism’ . . . is destroying faith in the Bible as a divine revelation . . . robbing God’s word of power to control, uplift, and inspire human lives.”

Ellen White saw that when “youth go out into the world” motivated by the assumptions of non-Biblical thought, they have no barriers to meet the prevailing sentiments that “desire is the highest law, that license is liberty, and that man is accountable only to himself.” Youth catch the spirit of society flawed by rivalry and competition and, unless made aware of the price of competition, they have no safeguards to maintain “individual integrity. . . purity of the home, the well-being of society, or the stability of the nation.”56
For Ellen White a world of difference separates excellence and competition. This distinction rests on the purpose of education: to “restore the image of God in the soul.”57 Men and women are to “reach the highest possible degree of excellence,” but this goal cannot be reached by a “selfish and exclusive culture; for the character of God, whose likeness we are to receive, is benevolence and love.”58
To reach the Biblical goal of education, Mrs. White observed, would require a “radical change in some of the current methods of education. Instead of appealing to pride and selfish ambition, kindling a spirit of emulation, teachers would endeavor to awaken the love of goodness and truth and beauty—to arouse the desire for excellence. The student would seek the development of God’s gifts in himself, not to excel others, but to fulfill the purpose of the Creator and to receive His likeness.”59
The inherent flaw in using the spirit of competition to motivate students in the classroom or on the playing field, (or to arouse pastors to reach certain goals and congregations to raise funds, etc.) is that competition is not a principle of God’s kingdom of love—cooperation is.60 To fulfill the purpose of education, to restore in men and women the image of their Maker, “the temptation to be first would be quenched in the lessons daily learned in the school of Christ.”61
Modern educational psychologists have recognized that competition is not a valid motivator. They point out three basic flaws. Flaw One: That young people need competitive experiences in order to enter a competitive society. Flaw Two: That competition is an effective motivator. Granted, they say, competition is “valuable as a motivator only for those people who believe that they can win.” But those who do not believe that they can win are not so motivated; they are further “discouraged and disillusioned.” Flaw Three: The stress on competition leads to morality breakdown and to the compelling rule that the end justifies the means.62
Thinkers (both students and teachers) have learned that mere memorization is insufficient. Thinking is a learned event. Learning to think is a joint effort by thinking teachers and eager students. Ellen White urged Bible teachers especially “to make the students understand their lessons, not by explaining everything to them, but by requiring them to explain clearly every passage they read. Let these teachers remember that little good is accomplished by skimming over the surface.”63
Dynamic discussion with students repeating the teacher’s explanations “in their own language” so that it can be determined that “they clearly comprehend” their lessons may be “a slow process,” but it is of “ten times more value than rushing over important subjects.” Not only will students better understand the subject, they will be better prepared to explain the material to others.64
Thinkers will appreciate a “moral taste in love of work.” To modern minds, this hardly seems to be a factor in developing thinkers, but it lies close to the root of Ellen White’s philosophy of education. In the establishment of the Avondale school in the late 1890s, she urged a principle that she had been emphasizing for at least twenty years—that students must be educated to be masters of labor, and not slaves of labor. She wanted students to see the “science in the humblest kind of work,” to see “nobility in labor.”
As we have shown on p. 346 “manual occupation . . . is essential” in order to balance and strengthen mental activity. Minds are “abused” when the physical powers are not “equally taxed.”
Further, “habits of industry will be . . . an important aid to the youth in resisting temptation.” “Pent-up energies . . . if not expended in useful employment, will be a continual source of trial to themselves, and to their teachers.”
For these reasons, Ellen White declared that those whose goal is to obtain a “transformed mind and character” will develop “a new moral taste in love of work.”65
Thinkers understand that perseverance and commitment are the price of excellence. To excel in any line of work requires an eye not easily distracted by “the voice of pleasure” and other diversions. Ellen White pleaded with parents and teachers to instruct young people that good intentions “will not avail,” that “no excellence is gained without great labor.” Furthermore, no great achievement is reached quickly or by ignoring “present opportunities.” Those who reach the “height in moral and intellectual attainments . . . must possess a brave and resolute spirit.”66
Source: Herbert E. Douglass. Messenger of the Lord.